In a world of over eight billion people, almost six billion are without faith in Jesus Christ. Every day more than 150,000 precious people are dying without hope because they have never heard the only message that can save them. Jesus said, “I came to seek and save the lost.” 

The Gospel is the power of God to save people (Romans 1:16). So we proclaim this Good News around the world because He commissioned and commanded us to do so (Mark 16:15). We also build up the body of Christ through the prophetic preaching of the Word of God. We accomplish all this through mass evangelism crusades, discipling other evangelists, and holding pastors and leaders conferences. 

“Tony is one of Texas’ finest evangelists and gospel preachers. I have seen Tony walk into places many dream about and impact not just people, but nations for the kingdom. Tony is an anointed fire brand called out for the harvest that is upon us as a nation. He is multi dimensional, inspiring, focused, and full of the power of God in his effect on audiences. He is a gift and has a true heart for people.”

William Gregory Ball, Founder Champions for Christ
“I hear a lot of evangelists. Tony’s testimony is a “Cross and Switchblade” type of powerful salvation experience. He tells the story so well that I was mesmerized by it while I had to stand in the back of the meeting. While listening to Tony, I forgot all my cares and just heard God’s amazing salvation story for him.”

David Carolan, Capitol Ministries
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Find out about our ministry and the results of our commitment to reach peoples of all nations with God’s love shown through His only Son.

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Member Global Evangelism Alliance